The Drama has ended. Imagine your relationship with food is just a calm part of your life
Come off the merry-go-round. Learn to treasure yourself independently from identification with weight or with food. Savor your food. Take steps to heal your body-mind with H.E.A.L.T.H.Y steps.
We know as you do that a mindset of care and positive self regard is one important aspect to feeling at peace with food, not the whole journey, but it's a rewarding and necessary step.
How "Tending Your Weight Wellness" class evolved
Short story: Talented registered dietitian Mary Lou Perry developed this class for a corporate presentation.
Longer story: Once upon a time registered dietitian/nutritionists suggested meal plans to help people balance their food for health and weight. These plans were sometimes useful but seldom successful long term; the guidance was external and for many people contributed to disordered eating patterns.
Enter Intuitive and Mindful eating. This eating guidance restores a focus on noticing food, emotions, the sensations of eating, and personal attunement to one's true needs.
Having a healthy relationship with food and with one's own weight is part of the mindset, movement, sleep and stress stories: all important contributors to peaceful weight wellness.
My Weight Wellness Journey
You matter and your health and vitality matter. You are in charge & know what best suits your life. These are some options we offer: 7 week Nourishing Resilience Essentials Training, short classes in mindful and intuitive eating, guidance on using labels to make healthy choices, mindfulness, growth mindset, etc.
You may also find that what is best for you is a YMCA group health series like the diabetes prevention program, an app, an immersion program or a customized virtual group class series with some individual sessions.
We are happy to have a brief complimentary chat or short coaching session with you to serve as a sounding board as you consider your wants and needs.